
International symposium

Experts discuss the wreck find

At the invitation of the Department of Archaeology and Monument Conservation, a scientific symposium on the wreck find took place in mid-November in Lübeck. Experts from the fields of ship archaeology, Hanseatic history, museology and maritime heritage conservation discussed the wreck find and gave presentations on the current state of research into ship archaeology in northern Europe, the potential of historical sources in the 17th century and the possibilities for museum presentation. 

This confirmed the assessment of the archaeologists from the Hanseatic City of Lübeck that the historical vessel is a unique find to date. Furthermore, there are extensive gaps in research for the 17th century despite a large number of sources. The experts see great potential for future studies on this century, which was so rich in events and developments - such as the Thirty Years' War, Sweden's dominance in the Baltic Sea region and the global expansion of Dutch trade.

Photo: Ch. Feßel