
Presentations of the Hansa Ship

In mid-May, the underwater archaeologist of the Hansa City of Lübeck, Dr Felix Rösch, gave a lecture on the Hanseatic ship at the re-launched Pecha Kucha night in the VersuchsHaus. Pecha Kucha is a presentation technique in which the content to be conveyed is reduced to the essentials.

Further lectures on the Hansa ship will take place on the following dates:

07/06/24 at 9:30 p.m. at the Hansa Culture Festival in front of the museum ship ‘Cementesse’
16/09/24 Gemeinnütziger Verein Schlutup
21/11/24 Senior Citizens Academy Lübeck
18/01/25 Children's University Neustadt i. Holstein

Photo: Christoffer Greiß